Monday 4 September 2017

CPE 2017 Letter to an Editor Sample and Feedback

Dear Gustavo,

after having read my proposal task in your blog, I would like you to check a shorter composition. In this case, I have written a letter to an editor about an article published in her magazine. The article outlines the Spanish teachers´ lack of quality. 
The number of words has to be less than180.
I would appreciate if you could take a brief look at it at least.

Thank you for your free time and your consideration



Letter to an editor: disagreement with a newspaper article 

Feedback in red

Dear Editor,

As a teacher of sciences, I would like to express my disagreement with the article about the teachers from Spain (which) you published two days ago.

First and foremost, the author, who is not an expert in the issue field, offers an unbelievably negative picture of the Spanish educators rather than criticize suggesting some improvable aspects of for the teaching community in this country. Particularly, I also think that the data that he provides is inaccurate. He places the Spanish educators in a very low position in the European ranking, which is a misled fact. (say why/ give the right numbers)

Notwithstanding, I agree up to a point with some of the author´s ideas. As far as academis (?) success is concerned, there is no doubt that much more has to be done, especially in terms of school drop-out. (Why? give us some numbers) However, nothing is mentioned about the achievements in professional training, and they deserve to be remarked inasmuch as Spanish students are given today a wider range of qualifications to be chosen. (I don't understand what you mean)

I am requesting you to persuade you (???) from publishing articles which, like this one, do not truly reflect the reality of our education system.
Thank you for your time and consideration

(Yours sincerely)
Rubén Gracia

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